
精明收银系统 Smart Genie POS

一款永久免费的餐饮企业POS收银系统,帮助企业完善店铺收银流程--从点菜下单,到付款查账;从员工管理,到结算分析。让您轻轻松松管理店铺生意! Foowala is excited to introduce a 100% free POS system, uniquely designed for small businesses, helping managers understand their business better, manage inventory, and increase sales.

用户体验 User Experience

中英语音任意切换,体验感受友好,系统界面美观,菜单详细清楚,操作过程流畅。 Foowala Genie POS is easy to use, simple and beautiful in design.

库存管理 Inventory Management

连接福哇啦酒水商城,实时进行原材料消耗提醒,方便商家进行库存管理,解决缺货漏货等问题。 Track your alcohol sales in real-time, learn what's trending, and procure directly from Foowala's alcohol platform at the click of a button.

员工管理 Employees Management

员工上下班微信登录系统打卡,每人每天工作量可以单独提取。 WeChat-powered employee sign-in allows you to efficiently track every employee’s performance

课堂贴士 Learn More

为商家提供与企业管理相关的实用小贴士,提高商家店铺管理和发展的效率。 Enjoy F&B-specific articles about industry trends, employees training, best practices, recipes and more. Never stop learning.

即将上线,敬请期待 Coming Soon

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